Max Design Srl (成功时尚) - Multiple - Women
本公司成立于2007年,拥有10几年的女装批发经验,现已发展成意大利最大的快时尚女装批发商之一,现拥有予3000平方的客户采购区,款式应有尽有,日日更新,一直走在时尚的最前沿,位于米兰IL GIRASOLE 商城15幢,热烈庆祝广大新老客户前来参观采购, Tel/Whatsapp: +39 3391116806

Information about the brand and its products
This clothing wholesaler offers Outerwear as well as Underwear. In short, Max Design Srl (成功时尚) offers a wide selection of items designed for Women,Large-sized, with a particular emphasis on product quality.
Rely on the experience and know-how of Max Design Srl (成功时尚) to enrich your collection with pieces that are both timeless and contemporary.
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